
Blognote #14: {05/06/14}

I had a blast today! I woke up at 6 a.m to the sound of Kyungsoo's morning wake-up call just because I wanted a good start to what I hoped would be a great day. And a great day it was, indeed!

I went over to Joy's house and it was a good thing that by the time I arrived, she was already up. I had an inkling beforehand that maybe I still had to shake her awake because I know that girl's sleeping habits u___u We went over to McDonald's to have breakfast and when we were lining up to order, I got surprised by a girl running to our direction at full speed, her arms wide open for a hug. Turned out it was Natasha! I missed her so much and it was good to see her after such a long time, especially since today is Baekhyun's birthday and Baek's her bias. After a bit of small talk, we went over to our table and waited for Joy's parents to fetch us and drive us to Asyana's club house, where we swam and had hearty conversations in their pool. It was good catching up with Frances, Julienne, Melissa, and Francine and it was sad that the day passed by quickly for me. They're in the Panaad Stadium right now watching a football game that I was supposed to attend as well but my mother declined because I live far away (boooooooooo).

On the bright side, look the things Julienne got me from Taiwan!!!!!!!!!!!

  1. Pocky Panda that I've been wanting since oh you know maybe FOREVER /sobs/
  2. Rilakkuma socks that she bought coincidentally on Sehun's birthday (Sehun has a Rilakkuma plushie named Pinku Pinku) ((the socks are pink and Julienne bought them on his birthday)) (((are we meant to be yet)))
  3.  The cutest Totoro key chain huhu I had to hold down my squeals a while ago

 Thank you so much, Julienne ;_________;

Also, I'm going back to UP-Miagao on Thursday for my interview and medical plus dental examinations. I'm finally done with my requirements, all I have to do now is print my essay (which I wrote in 5 minutes after 3 weeks of putting it off because I am insane) and I'm done! Finally!! Fucking finally!!!

Lastly, release of the albums tomorrow!!! Instant playlist for my trip on Thursday with the songs from Akdong Musician that two lovely people recommended to me. I know that the new EXO songs have been leaked already but I'm willing to wait. I can just see myself running at the speed of light towards the PC tomorrow morning and downloading them as fast as I can (k2nblog, my trusty old friend, I'm counting on you!!!).

Here's to hoping I don't screw up my interview and that things will be good for you

Until the next blognote,
Chryss ◕ ◡ ◕
throwback to when I had longer hair ^^

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