
Hello, I managed to cram all the things that I had to accomplish in one day and I felt so productive last night! Despite our hectic schedule, my mother and I still got on the last boat trip home and successfully had dinner at 7 p.m before we went home. The interview went fairly well and I'm pleased with how I did. I got to make a handful of new friends as well which is somewhat of a feat considering my tendency to close myself off people I'm not really comfortable with. It's time to step out of my comfort zone though. I'm not a little girl anymore.

Also, I am screaming in my head right now because fatalfangirl reblogged my ask reply text post thing about kaisoo and I am in near hysterics because I love her fics and I was just reading Syndicate last night. "This is really cute and basically my headcanon, bless you" BLESS YOU TOO ;____;

Under the cut are some photos from when I was out swimming with friends!  (all from Joy's iTouch)


she still looks lost even with her back turned :(((((

dead eyes but look at the happy little donut (that looks like it kills dreams during the night)

 when our pizza was still safe on the table

when our pizza was no longer safe on the table because it got toppled over and it looked sad on the floor :( :( :(

we look like a bunch of kids entering high school, not college huhuhu

I miss them already </3


  1. omg chryss u are too much for my life HAHAHAHAHA that picture of joy's back and the accompanying caption though :(((( - esai

    1. HELLO ESAI!!!

      hahahaha Joy's picture I JUST HAD TO :((((((((
