
a few things:

  • Exactly a year ago, I was hunched over a desk trying my best to answer an entrance examination. And right now, I'm packing up my things and preparing myself for a bigger world out there. It's funny how time flies and how things can change in the course of a year. I have lost and I have gained and I have weighed options in my hands, some heavier than others. And I have watched people grow, become better versions of themselves, become stronger and I am so proud that I can only hope the best for all of us.
  • I am 50% done with packing. I'm only saying 50% because I have too many clothes and they all won't fit in the suitcase and backpack that I'm going to be bringing with me on the 15th. I haven't even packed my shoes, slippers, towels, and bed sheets yet. This is going to be quite a struggle.
  • Also, since I can't possibly bring all my clothes & things with me on the day that I'm moving in, I'm going back home on the weekend after my first week of school to get my remaining necessities and go back to the dorm again. My uni's a long way from home (a really looooooong way I'm going to cry) and travelling with luggage is tiring but someone's got to do it :c
  • 2013 fangirl Chryss was insane, crazed, and downright hysterical (examples: this and also this). 2014 fangirl Chryss is a little bit better and a whole lot worse. 
  • I'm not kidding when I say that I was worrying over which posters to bring with me to my dorm. All these posters, not much space ~____~
  • My key chain for the past 7 months has been a laminated photo card of Sehun and whenever I lose my set of keys, it's not a rare occurrence for me to be hollering around the house, "Where's Sehun??? Have you guys seen Sehun??? I lost Sehun!!!"
  • I think ... I think I need to re-evaluate my life choices.
  • One of my friends tweeted, "me and jongin??? dating??? i have to go through chryss mae first" pmsl Dindin, bless your soul OTL
  • Jongin is dream boyfriend material and I won't let anyone tell me otherwise.
  • I've decided to name my bias list: "Ultimate Bunny Boos"
  • I'm so proud of that name, please don't laugh at me.
  • I'm just kidding, it's ridiculous and you are free to laugh at me.
  • (((I'm keeping the name though)))
  • I'm crossing my fingers, eyes, and toes for nice roommates. Or better yet, a roommate who likes EXO too or just someone who shares the same interests as me. I'm a horrible conversation starter if I don't know what to talk about and really, most of the time, all I really know to talk about is EXO :(
  • (unless I'm with my friends because my friends are wonderful people whom I can talk to about the most random of things without running out of words to say. I love you, friends. I love you all so much and I miss those who are away)
  • But really, I just hope I have nice, considerate roommates who won't get on my nerves and will welcome me with open arms even if I enter the room with cacti and other potted plants.
  • Future roommates, please be nice and please don't touch my things unless you primarily asked for permission. I'm pretty messy but I promise that I will try my very best to keep my things in order. Also, there are times that I will just stare off into space but you'll eventually get used to it (I hope). If we live in harmony, I will love you forever.
  • On another note, I've already applied for a Pocket WiFi plan but my mother decided to get the gadget bundle because my brother wanted a new tab so I have to wait for around 3 weeks before I can get my hands on my pocket wifi because freaking Smart (the wireless services provider I ordered from) won't give it to me unless the tab also arrives from Manila. I cry a little.
  • So I probably won't be on as much during the first few weeks of school.
  • Actually, I probably won't be on.
  • I'm starting a new life but the end is also near. I'm so sorry.

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