
So this is my nth attempt at trying to keep up with a personal twitter fandom account. I still have three months of vacation ahead of me with not much to do and I'm planning on enjoying it to the fullest the best way I know how: by fangirling (lol what a sad life).

I just have a lot of feelings ;~~~;

Anyway, I would love to be twitter buddies with you guys because talking about EXO with other fans is one of my favorite things to do! So if you're interested in becoming pals with me and willing to handle me at my worst, please send me a message (preferably un-anon) on Tumblr with your twitter username! I swear I'm nice and fun (that is, if your idea of fun is squealing over pretty boys bc yes yES YES THAT IS MY SPECIALTY) n______n


  1. I just want to say that I really enjoy your posts. You are funny and I love that there is always a part of your personality in everything you post( or the few I have seen I suppose). Anyway, I hope you enjoy your day. :)

    1. Oh my god, someone actually thinks I'm funny! Thank you so much, the things you've said really mean a lot to me ;____;

      I hope you have a wonderful day, a wonderful week, a wonderful month, a wonderful year, a wonderful life! :)
