- Concert day concert day today is CONCERT DAY!!!
- Jfc I've been chanting that ever since the moment I woke up this morning that it's getting a bit ridiculous but I'm just so excited??? Like even if I don't get to attend the concert itself, I'm so happy that the boys will get to fulfill one of their dreams and I want them to bask in the glory that they rightfully deserve after all the years of vigorous training and hard work.
- And also, I am incredibly excited at the prospect of the members cross-dressing. IT'S INITIATION NIGHT, MY LOVELY BOYS. I bet all your sunbaes know your pain.
- I had a mini breakdown yesterday when I found out that MPST is releasing a photo book. I was thisclose to ordering Hyperbeat (because I have the misfortune of liking a certain Oh Sehun's facial features ugh smh) last year when I still had the money but I promised myself that I was going to wait for MPST because I'm biased and holy cow have you seen MPST's photos and videos? ART, I TELL YOU. FREAKING MASTERPIECES THEY MAKE ME CRY. But it just so happens that I am broke(n) right now and MSPT's photo book is probably the most expensive I've come across so far (Hyperbeat's was only around 2.2k, that's 1k less than MPST's why is the world so cruel /sobs).
- And then you know on Twitter, I came across a photo of the Overdose clearfile folders that SM's currently selling and I want the Kai and Kyungsoo folders so bad I even went around to searching up PH group orders and found out that they were all closed already. But I'm a masochist so I still went around converting the prices and it turns out that each clearfile folder costs 400 pesos. 400 pesos for a single clearfile folder HAHAHAHAHA SM, I DO NOT REEK OF MONEY ;__________;
- To rid myself of the excess energy coming from the excitement of tonight's concert, I baked cupcakes! And then I took a two-hour long nap and now I am refreshed and ready to go and YAAASSS LET'S GET IT ON I WANNA SEE KYUNGSOO DON A MINI-SKIRT AND DANCE GEE TO HIS HEART'S CONTENT WHILE SIMULTANEOUSLY PLANNING IN HIS HEAD HOW TO MURDER THE PEOPLE WHO PUT HIM IN THAT SITUATION WITHOUT THE POLICE EVER FINDING EVIDENCE
- I'm sorry for the caps. I 'm sorry for my feelings. I'm sorry for being a Kyungsoo stan.
- On another note, I'm sleeping over at Joy's house tomorrow night
for the last timeand I am both excited and sad. She's leaving for Manila sometime next week and I can't be there for her when she finally leaves because it just so happens that my enrollment is on the same day as her departure date. Which you know, sucks because it's like the universe is against us or something. Truth be told, things aren't going to be the same without my best friend around but we've prepared ourselves for this! And wonderful modern technology is so advanced right now that I'll still be able to communicate with her even though we're provinces away from each other. So ... yay! :) - Oh right, I got in the university dorm which is a huge relief because living on-campus is far more convenient as opposed to living outside the university's grounds. Plus, all of my friends got in as well which makes me really happy because at least we've got one another to run to and we won't feel so alone during the first few weeks when we would still be trying to get accustomed to living far away from home. And at the end of the day, familiar faces who are close to my heart will always bring a sense of comfort to me.
- They're assigning rooms based on our courses so I've got my fingers, eyes, and toes crossed that at least one of my roommates is an EXO/SHINee fan. I think I will cling to her and demand we watch videos together. If ever that happens, I already feel sorry for the two other people who will have to bear with us for an entire semester. I get so easily attached to people who have the same interests as me, it's kind of amusing.
- Also, I always wonder why my friends oftentimes see me as a source of amusement but then I start remembering certain things that I've done in the past, things that I'm not particularly proud of, and I go, "Aaaaahhh ... ahahahaha ....... GDI" like seriously Chryss, stop being such an embarrassing person u__________u
- Please continue to support SafeKeeping You! Thanks :3
a few things:
a few things,
crazy fangirl,
exo solocon,
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