Six years is quite a long time to be in a fandom, right? Although, technically, I didn't become a full-fledged Shawol until Hello Baby but I was already a casual fan right after they debuted. Last night, I watched almost 1GB worth of fancams from the Lost Planet in Seoul and after that, I had a sick feeling somewhere in the pit of my stomach for having remembered that it was SHINee's anniversary and I didn't even have anything planned for them. Usually, I post something really cheesy or I prepare weeks for it (like last year when I uploaded and shared their entire discography) but right now, what do I have? None. Unless you count this post that's a day late, which I don't.
Also, I've just realized that I never got around to posting a fanaccount about my K Rep experience with SHINee. It's actually due to the fact that I couldn't and still can't find the right words to describe their perfection and I was mostly in a daze during that time. I got to watch my fancams again last night and I just ended up laughing at myself because I don't even remember screaming/saying half of the things that came out of my mouth in the videos.
But bottomline is that SHINee hasn't lost a fan. I'm still here and I think I will always be here, I think I will always be with them. It's just that things will never be quite the same anymore and I'm shedding off a layer of my skin. It's time.
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