meet the blogger
Just a bunch of questions I stumbled upon my Tumblr dashboard. I'm sorry for the lapslock. Also, I got accepted to the dorm! Much hooray!!!
do you usually sleep with your closet door open or closed? closed. tbh closets freak me out so i always close them after getting my clothes out. it's kind of a long story but put in 5-year old Chryss playing hide and seek with her brother and always choosing the closet as the safe place to hide but instead, getting unwanted memories from those days huhu
do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotels? yes. seriously, i want to get my money’s worth and they’re great for sleepovers! lol
where is your next vacation? i can only wish for Seoul
who do you think reads these? fellow bunnies
do you have a calendar in your room? yeah i have … three actually (i have one on the wall, one on my desk, and one in my planner)
what’s your plan for the day? today i went to Medical Plaza to accompany my mother with her laboratory tests and then i had lunch with Bea and Joy! 'twas a good day
are you reading any books right now? currently trying to finish Fever Dreams (a book of poems) but i’m being led astray by fanfiction (as always)
do you ever count your steps when you walk? no. i tend to trip over my own feet so counting my steps will just end in disaster
do you ever dance even if there’s no music playing? sometimes. whenever i’m panicking, i tend to do weird dance movements and it ensued into hilarity with my friends and classmates every exams week. but really, i’ve got no grace or sense of rhythm whatsoever. that’s why i gravitate towards the dancers in kpop groups. i’m fascinated by the way they move their bodies.
do you usually sleep with your closet door open or closed? closed. tbh closets freak me out so i always close them after getting my clothes out. it's kind of a long story but put in 5-year old Chryss playing hide and seek with her brother and always choosing the closet as the safe place to hide but instead, getting unwanted memories from those days huhu
do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotels? yes. seriously, i want to get my money’s worth and they’re great for sleepovers! lol
where is your next vacation? i can only wish for Seoul
who do you think reads these? fellow bunnies
do you have a calendar in your room? yeah i have … three actually (i have one on the wall, one on my desk, and one in my planner)
what’s your plan for the day? today i went to Medical Plaza to accompany my mother with her laboratory tests and then i had lunch with Bea and Joy! 'twas a good day
are you reading any books right now? currently trying to finish Fever Dreams (a book of poems) but i’m being led astray by fanfiction (as always)
do you ever count your steps when you walk? no. i tend to trip over my own feet so counting my steps will just end in disaster
do you ever dance even if there’s no music playing? sometimes. whenever i’m panicking, i tend to do weird dance movements and it ensued into hilarity with my friends and classmates every exams week. but really, i’ve got no grace or sense of rhythm whatsoever. that’s why i gravitate towards the dancers in kpop groups. i’m fascinated by the way they move their bodies.
what is your “song of the week”? Max Brodie - The Summer Song
is it okay for guys to wear pink? if it looks good on them, why not? but i don’t really like the color pink in general.
what do you drink with dinner? water and if i’m feeling rebellious … orange juice (i’m acidic so my mother’s pretty strict on the liquids i drink but hohoho coke is happiness)
what do you dip chicken nuggets in? i prefer them on their own.
what is your favorite food/cuisine? bread. pasta. italian, basically. and i have such a penchant for sweets and pastries that my mother thinks i'm on set for early diabetes :c
when was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper? i dunno, can't really remember
can you change the oil on a car? hell no. can't even drive properly yet.
what is your usual bedtime? ask my mother and she’ll say 10 p.m but really, i fall asleep between 1-2 a.m bc I’M A REBEL /gets shot
are you lazy? *snorts*
afraid of heights? i love tall places actually.
occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? pediatrician. lmao
hot tea or cold tea: depends on my mood/the weather so both!
tea or coffee? tea all the way. never was one for coffee except if it’s iced.
favorite kind of cookie? chocolate crinkles from Sofia. those ones taste like ambrosia istg
can you swim well? yes, i like to think so. at least well enough to not drown. i took lessons when i was a kid.
can you hold your breath w/o manually holding your nose? wait, there are people who can’t?
who do you want to see right now? Kim Jongin. i’m sorry but he’s the first one that popped to mind ;;;;;;
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