So it is ultimately your choice whether to take this seriously or not. I did a video blog last night but that turned out to be a horrible idea because I just kept on rambling so I sang him a song instead. Obviously, I altered the lyrics. I'm probably going to regret this later but whatever. #HappySehunDay
I only did this because I'm mean to him and I insult him 99% of the time. After this day, we shall pretend this video and the song never existed. Although, I might do a full version if anyone wants lmao. Also, no sappy long love letter for the birthday boy because writing him heartfelt messages makes me uncomfortable even though I love him with half of my heart (the other half can't stand him, don't blame me, blame his face and his stupidly endearing personality).
Oh, and in celebration of his birthday, I am temporarily @yehetimamoron on twitter. I don't know, it just kinda fit (no one look at me).
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