Greetings, earthlings! Sweet dumplings! Adorable kittens! I have recently made my former public twitter private because I became paranoid that my family members might have access to it and while there's nothing really wrong with that, I know I'm going to be the butt of everyone's jokes because I tend to get ... hysterical there, especially concerning fandom-related topics.
But I really want to know you guys and talk to a bunch of you who I'm sure I never got the chance to interact with and I think Twitter would be a great platform for us to get to know each other better! You guys probably know a lot of things about me because of this blog but I don't know a lot of things about most of you guys and I really want for that to change! So if you have a twitter account, please please please send me a follow request and it can be the start to a new wonderful friendship! I promise I'm nice :3
~~~ @yeheyimamoron ~~~
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