
Hello! I just got back from a trip to UP-Miagao because I passed some requirements and checked out their available dorms. I was frustrated upon finding out that I can't actually pick the people I want to room with since the people in charge will be the ones choosing for me. They said it's for my own benefit so that I can get to know the students better but I can pick my roommates from 2nd semester onwards which is a relief. Even though I'm eager to meet new people and make friends out of them, I can't deny the fact that I'd be much more comfortable if I live with people I'm already well-acquainted with (especially since Anne Mary, Manuela, and Kathleen are close friends of mine and I've known all three of them for half of my life).

As for the campus itself ... I'M FREAKING IN LOVE WITH IT. It's incredibly huge and about 10x bigger than my previous school that we actually had to ride tricycles just to get from one building to another. Just picture out a school in the middle of a huge-ass forest and BAM that's where I'll be spending the next years of my life. MOUNTAINS. TREES. THICK FOLIAGE. It's no wonder everyone who knows me says that it's the perfect place for me because. it. really. is!!! I'll take photos when I go back on the 8th of May for my Medical Examination and dorm application interview (speaking of dorm applications, I still have to write an essay with the theme: "Who Am I?" like what??? kill me now)

Another thing about Miagao (the little mountain town where my school is located), it's so far away from the main city of Iloilo that you can just get yourself lost in its charm. The people are really nice and helpful and even though there isn't a fast-food restaurant in sight, there are lots of little bistros and coffee shops situated around the town. The only thing I'm actually concerned about is WiFi lol

On another note, I came home to a little surprise!

Two weeks of waiting and they're finally in my hands!

Happy #2YearsWithEXO!!! I feel inclined to write something sappy but I'm pretty sure no one wants a 5-page essay ^^

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