
hear me out?

Hi, guys, life's been a series of ups and downs for me as of late. I feel like I'm on a roller-coaster ride going nowhere. I broke down last Sunday night when I thought I'd lost the notebook where I've been writing all my poems for the book but I found it yesterday lying around on my mother's bed and I almost broke down again just from the sheer happiness of having found it. I woke up at 4:30 a.m. today to make myself two egg sandwiches with mayonnaise and cheese to bring to school only to realize that I'd forgotten to put them inside my bag when I stepped inside my classroom. It instantly dampened my already bad Tuesday morning mood (our Tuesday schedule sucks). This Friday I'm watching a special screening of Catching Fire with my schoolmates and all proceeds will go to a fundraising project spearheaded by one of my friends, Frances, who happens to be the student council president. By the way, if you're from school and you don't have any plans on Friday, come watch with us! There are still tickets available and you'll be watching the movie for a good cause. On the topic of Friday, I just found out today that I won't be able to watch MAMA 2013 live and that's a real bummer but I'll be sleeping over at Joy's house and hopefully, I'll be able to catch up on the things I've missed. I actually have a busy weekend ahead of me. There's the Big Sis - Lil Sis party on Saturday afternoon and I haven't actually talked to my "little sister" yet but I have an inkling she'll be there nonetheless. I'm not actually all that confident but I just hope we'll get along well. After Saturday's events, I have to attend the DSPC (Division Schools Press Conference) on Sunday. Never thought I'd be able to join but I'm one of the scriptwriters for the Radio-broadcasting team. I don't know if they were being serious about assigning me as team leader since I have zero experience but I'll take whatever comes along. I need to step out of my comfort zone and get myself out there, if you know what I mean.

November is such a busy bee of a month. I'm only halfway through with it yet I am already incredibly drained. I still have a news article to write and I don't know how to write a news article. I don't know how to write when it truly counts, period. The long tests and projects and activities are piling up and it is so overwhelming. If I am this tired, I wonder how my other classmates feel, especially the ones who've got loads more on their plates as opposed to my meager stack.

I sincerely hope you're feeling better than I am.


  1. I was once a scriptwriter for the english radio-broadcasting too! I managed to advance to the regionals level and im sure you can too as well and maybe even reach the national level! :) Good luck to you! May the odds be ever in your favor. Fighting and keep on smiling!!!! :) -#1 fan

    1. First of all, congratulations! I'm so proud of what you've achieved for yourself ; u ;

      I'm working with a team though so it's going to be a group effort. It's our school's first time joining the radio-broadcasting competition so we've got our fingers crossed that beginner's luck's going to be on our side.

      Thank you so much and blessings~

