
This is me with fandom: #PrayForSouthKorea

I normally don't let my opinions regarding public issues known on the internet because I know that not everyone is going to agree with what I have to say so instead of brewing misunderstandings and disagreements, I just keep my mouth shut. Blogging is an easy platform to convey my feelings but having an audience can also backfire on me if I'm not careful. To put in other words, I am actually very opinionated but I keep things to myself because I don't want anyone to get hurt. 

But ever since the South Korean tragedy with the sunken ferry, I've been having some thoughts regarding the matter. I tend to get really aggressive when it comes to social issues and some fans' reactions to the delayed music video for EXO's Overdose really got on my nerves. I'll be honest, when I came home to a tweet from a friend claiming of the cancellation of the music video's release, I was a bit annoyed. But that was before I knew about the incident with Sewol and after some thorough searching and reading regarding the topic at hand, my heart began to ache but it wasn't from the delayed MV, it was from the heavy weight of trying to digest what just happened to the students who have risked their lives and to those who are, up to now, still fighting for survival.

And then I saw this screen cap on my timeline and I was absolutely livid.

Who cares? I FUCKING CARE. I'd give you a thousand thumbs down if I could.
A ferry sunk and the country is mourning the possible loss of young students who could have lived their lives to the fullest. Just because we're alive and breathing and safe doesn't mean the same for them. They are most probably cold right now and scared and helpless. FUCK YOU.

If Luhan read your comment, I bet he would let Tao wushu your ass all the way to China.

I know hate doesn't stop hate but I just had to let off some steam.

Huge wake up call to the EXO fandom, there are people's lives on the line and now is not the time to put your lovely biases on the top of your priorities list. Insensitivity is never an attractive trait and instead of complaining, can we please just pray for the safety of the people who are still missing and their families who are worried sick? A delayed MV cannot even amount to what the students and their families are going through at the moment. A little sympathy goes a long way. 

Please. You're a human being. Act like one.


  1. Replies
    1. i've seen a lot of bad things coming from this fandom but this is just repulsive. it's like we forget our sense of humanity.
