
a few things:

  • I spent the first few waking hours of the morning holed in my brother's apartment with his fiancee, doing some last-minute editing on the yearbook while eating brownies. My best friend's house is just a stone's throw away but when I passed by it, I knew it was a hopeless case to ring the bell because the probability of Joy being awake before 12 noon during the summer is close to zero. 
  • I'm going to Joney's house tomorrow to watch EXO's First Box (again). Dindin's coming over as well and to say that I'm hella excited is an understatement. It's pretty amazing how I've managed to convert people who used to despise Korean pop into fans of EXO but really, I'm just happy that they love them almost as much as I do (or maybe they already love them as much as I do ahrhr).
  • Want to know what's sad? When your Facebook notifications are nothing but game requests from your mother. I've hit a new low.
  • I stay away from people and conversations nowadays. They either say too much or too little, never just enough, and never the right words. 
  • The hardest thing to do whenever I'm angry is to keep silent even though that's the only thing I do whenever I flare up. I refuse to spark fury. I've grown used to the fire in my veins and I've grown used to shutting up before adding insult to injury but really, it's been getting hard these days because I just want to snap at everything and everyone.
  • I need to start focusing on my college requirements and dorm application essay and personal matters. I still have so many things to do and accomplish that sometimes I just want to curl into a ball and forget about the rest of the world so that in turn, maybe the world will forget about me even if it's just for a little while. It's nice to feel like I don't exist sometimes.
  • Nat Geo People showed a documentary about Kpop last Saturday night and I was lucky enough to have watched it from start to finish. Actually, I have my brother to thank because he was going over the channels when he chanced upon it and informed me. It made me think about a lot of things and my next post might revolve around it. Fair warning though: it might not be pretty. I might say things that most fans won't agree to.
  • I currently love the way my hair looks like whenever I wear snapbacks but who wants to bet that my opinion of it will change next week?
  • "Listen to your words." 
  • I did and now I'm feeling a little lost, a little confused, a little bit misunderstood. But that's okay. I'll be okay. We'll all be okay. I hope.
  • If you're reading this right now and you feel alone (whether you're in a crowded place filled with lots of people or in the safety of your own room), please talk to me. Hit me up on Twitter or send me a message on Tumblr or we can have a lovely conservation in the comments section for everyone to see. Let's be alone together.
  • I'm actually starting to miss doing my 365 Day Challenge. I haven't found any interesting challenges that I'd be willing to keep up with though so for the meantime, I'll remain stagnant. A bit of a time-out in other words. Let me just roll on my bed and enjoy the coldness of my bedsheets. This is enough for now.

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