
Blognote #13: {04/22/14}

Hello, guys! How is everyone's summer so far? Mine's been pretty uneventful save for catching up with friends, preparing my college requirements, yearbook duties, and family excursions in and out of the city. But aside from that, I've been laying low and most of the time, I stay cooped up inside my room reading, writing, and watching videos. Who's a summer bum? I'M A SUMMER BUM.

  irrelevant photo: look at my cute Jongin socks ; u ;

Yesterday, I went over to Joney's house with Dindin and we watched EXO's First Box (as stated in my previous post). I've watched it twice before but I wanted to watch it for the third time with them because I badly wanted to fangirl together with the two people that I've turned into monsters (sorry not sorry).

I am going to miss these two so much!!! I don't know how they went from humoring my love for EXO into incoherently fangirling with me but the power of pretty boys works in wondrous ways. I felt like crying when I hugged them goodbye yesterday afternoon because I know I'm not going to see them for a very long time because we will all be far away from each other. THIS FUCKING HURTS, I'VE NEVER BEEN GOOD WITH LETTING PEOPLE GO.

On another note, I went to the mall with my mother because we badly needed a new keyboard and my fingers feel tingly whenever I type because I'm still not used to the new keys yet. For some bizarre reason, it's affecting my writing lmao WHY

Also, I really need to get started on my dorm application essay but I've never been good when it comes to describing or writing about myself. I don't want to sound too detached yet I don't want to sound too egotistical as well. How will I manage to find the in-between and balance? How do people write essays for application?? How do I write without coming off as too personal because whenever I write, I have the tendency to pour my fucking heart out which I don't think will come off as an advantage in this particular case??? HELP, MY FUTURE IS AT STAKE HERE!!! Or to be more specific, MY FUTURE LIVING QUARTERS ARE AT STAKE!!! I badly want to get accepted to the UPV Freshmen dormitories ;______;

*rolls around and pretends to be a starfish*

Until the next blognote,
Chryss ◕ ◡ ◕
Kyungsoo and Chryss: Match made in Marvel Heaven

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