
Blognote #12: {03/30/14}

My last blognote was posted November. How is that for consistency? 

Anyway, life has been very tiring lately!!! Someone frustrates me to the ends of the Earth, my teeth have been aching like crazy for the past week thus I only get around 1-2 hours of sleep per night (3 if I'm lucky) because painkillers just won't cut it, and college requirements have me going around in whirlwinds. The only thing I'm looking forward to is spending time with friends and finally getting around to finishing the yearbook! Huzzah, we're almost done!!!

But as of late, I've been stuck in a rut. I have three fics that I'm currently working on because I have all these plot bunnies inside my head but I don't know what to feed them with. My writing has been all over the place, I quite don't know how to write anymore. Speaking of writing, I know that Joy and I have yet to make announcements regarding S.K.Y.  but we're still trying to find a way to break it to everyone. The ones we've told didn't take it lightly and we're scared. WE ARE INCREDIBLY SORRY IN ADVANCE.

Also, I can't wait to get my copy of EXO's First Box. I'm seeing all kinds of spoilers on my timeline and dashboard ranging from text posts to screen caps to gifs and I want to throw things because MUST. NOT. WATCH! until I receive mine in the mail ;____________; I plan on hosting a sleepover with some dear friends so that we can all watch together but then again, I live somewhere in freaking Narnia so I don't know how to go about this lol

On another note, I miss baking. I baked some cupcakes for myself last Monday just for the heck of it and I plan on baking some more sweets this week. My mother keeps on complaining that I put too much sugar in all my recipes but whatever, I end up the one eating them anyway.

Lastly, there's this Bacollywood summer workshop thingamajig that's offering courses (like Film Production, Cinematography, Theater Improvisation, Digital Photography, Basic Acting) and I want to enroll myself in their make-up classes! I already asked my mother and she told me to go for it but the the problem is, I have no one to attend the sessions with. I don't actually have plans on being a make-up artist, I just think it'll be loads of fun and I have a lot of time on my hands plus this might actually serve me well in the future. Also, I'm going to let you in on a little secret - I've always been fascinated with make-up. I don't like it on my face because it feels heavy and gross after a few hours but I've always liked the idea of putting make-up on other people. It's like the person's face is the canvas and it's just another form of art that I want to get myself into.

Summer's off to a not-so-great start but I hope that will change soon!

Until the next blognote,
Chryss ◕ ◡ ◕
throwback to when i was only 14!!!

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