
365 Day Challenge: COMPLETED!

So if you're following me on Tumblr, you might have noticed that I was doing the 365 Day Challenge. I started on this a year ago and just finished it today! I really thought I was going to give up on it somewhere in the middle mark but thankfully, I didn't because I feel a tiny bit accomplished on having completed it. I'll be honest, there were days wherein I just rolled my eyes at whatever the day's challenge had in store and there were numerous repetitive ones and ones that I didn't particularly take interest in. There was also one point in which I got fed up because it was turning into some sort of photo challenge but I rest my case. It's done and over with and I'm so happy! Not only has it made me rediscover myself but some days got me really thinking hard that I ended up learning new things about myself. It's cool, in a way, because I didn't acknowledge some of the things I wrote until the challenge presented itself. If you're bored or you have self-discovery issues (like me), I suggest giving it a shot. Who knows, you might just find things about yourself you didn't know before :3

Some of my personal favorites:

(more under the cut)

*happy dance*