

The days are passing by in a soft kind of blur and there is a constant push and pull and sometimes the air smells like dead memories. Or food decomposing. I really can't tell. I'm really confused right now but that's all right. Better to feel confusion than nothing at all. Yesterday, I had a heartwarming afternoon with some 2nd graders from Andres Bonifacio Elementary School. They sat in close clusters and were attentive but then my heart kind of broke when I started asking them their names and birthdays and almost all of them didn't know the latter. There was this one kid whose pencil was shorter than my thumb and there were kids who didn't have pencils at all. There were bright smiles on their faces though and my heart kind of broke for the second time but it was a different kind of breaking. More powerful. A force to be reckoned with.

I don't know why I'm telling you all this and keeping my sentences short. Words are so precious. Words are priceless. Words are taken for granted. Misunderstandings lead to tears. Tears lead to hunger. Hunger leads to wishing you didn't care so much. But I never stop caring. I don't want to.

Here, little dearie. Have a piece of my heart.

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