
05 | 03 | 14

I'm back from the wilderness! Sort of wilderness!! My mother took me to a place where there were bugs and lakes and earth everywhere and despite my scabs from the insect bites, I freaking loved it. The place I went to was approximately 270 km away from home and 8 hours via car ride. My poor butt suffered a lot of bumpy, rocky roads to reach Lake Balanan but everything was worth it because damn, all I could hear were animal sounds and all my my eyes could see were trees! Basically, my mother's surprise was nice and even though I'm tired as hell right now, I'm still really grateful.

We stayed there overnight at one of the rooms situated on a hilltop. The view of the lake from our room's balcony was breathtaking and I was sad to go but I'll be posting photos from the trip once I get my proper bearings again.

Oh, right. Right. Bythewayit'smybirthdaytoday and I'm currently reading birthday greetings + messages and trying not to cry (looking at you Julienne, Janina, and Joy) ((you guys had the worst and best messages)) (((I love you all))).

Also!!! Here is the collage that Julienne made for my birthday.
When you see it.....

Julienne knows how to stop me from crying at her message and erupt into uncontrollable laughter instead. That frame (you know which frame I'm talking about ಠ_ಠ) is priceless.

Lastly, please do check out Dindin's wonderful birthday post (it's got Kaisoo in it!!!) ((plus me as excess baggage ahrhrhr)).


(back to reality and college requirements tomorrow huhu)
((i'll be back to blogging soon too))
(((i actually have lots to blog about now, i'll get to them soon i hope)))

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