
Cookie's Birthday Post ♡♡♡

One of my sweetest friends, Rhea whom we also fondly call Cookie, celebrated her birthday with us at Peri-Peri last Monday! This post will be filled with photos from said celebration and I have Joy to thank for them (LOVE YOU SO MUCH THANKS FOR PUTTING UP WITH ME)

 Rhea's so cute let me squish her huhuhuhu

"guys, selfie" 
"no no no, GROUPIE!!!"
 Rhea with her equally cute little sister (whose nickname is Muffin /cries/ kawaii overload!!!) and Princess
my hair is past its Korean boy group phase and getting longer as the weeks pass by aw yeeaaaaah
light effects woooohoooo (i didn't edit these photos with light textures, i swear on all my Sehun posters. idk they just happened) ((also, i stick my tongue out more often than necessary)) (((turning 17 soon, wow much maturity)))
 "I was trying to take candid photos of Bea but she ALWAYS looked at the camera" -Joy's frustrations
 These were taken at 31 Korea where we dropped by for some ice cream. These were two of my friend's faces while we were watching EXO's music videos on the restaurant's telly lol
my Mcdo and Jollibee buddies ♡ (missing: KC)

And since it's #nationalbestfriendday (is it really?), here is a photo completely irrelevant to the entire post but I feel like dropping it here for old times' sake.
waving peace signs since 2009
sleepy Joy since 2009
curly-haired Carissa whom i have been missing since 2009
Janina prettier than you since 2009
(i love you all)

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