
This is me with fandom: EXO, let's love!

So I just watched the last episode of EXO's Showtime last night because life's been on the fast lane for me as of late. The past few weeks, I didn't really have enough time to sit down and watch and that's actually really sad on its own but the last episode inevitably made me cry. I mean, it practically signifies the end of an era so of course it turned out to be a tear-jerker. Or is it just me that's incredibly emotional? I hope you're in the same wavelength as me because I can't possibly be the only one who was making pitiful sounds while watching the last episode (especially the latter parts).
I think what's really tugging at my heartstrings is that this show has somewhat become a ticket to borrowed happiness for me. Each week, I had something to look forward to and it made things a little more bearable, knowing that I'd have something to smile at and laugh over once the work was done. The boys and their silly antics got me through a lot of stress and that's something I'll always be grateful for. Another is that maybe five or ten years from now, when the group is on the brink of disbanding or when their contracts end and everyone goes their separate ways, I'm going to re-watch the whole thing and remember all their happy times together. And I want to remember them as the twelve smiling happy idiots who could easily turn my mood from bad to good with their easy-going banter.

I've got to admit that that Showtime has also revealed to me some of the members' attitudes that I'm not particularly fond of (a prime example is Suho and his over-competitiveness and somewhat cocky demeanor)  but it has also turned around some of the negative things I once thought of about other members. Like how I used to think Baekhyun was really annoying with his non-stop chatter and obnoxious jokes but he really made me laugh a lot and forget about my problems. And Chanyeol's natural leadership skills really surprised me. There were times I got irked that he stole the spotlight by spearheading a lot of things but he managed to make awkward moments in the show interesting. Jongdae stole my heart and he's now at par with Kris in my bias list because I think he's just extremely good-natured and down to earth. Kris, on the other hand, just made me love him even more. My appreciation for Kris has increased tenfold. Jongin was just as I expected him to be and he is all sorts of endearing. Minseok was adorable as hell and Luhan (while a little bit uninteresting and boring) cracked me up with his insistence of being manly and several events proving otherwise. Kyungsoo was so quiet and reserved most of the time but he was also a violent little shit who wouldn't stop hitting everyone lmao I love him so much (a friend of mine said that I remind her of Kyungsoo, OH I WONDER WHY. Damn that boy is my spirit animal, I see so much of myself in him that it literally hurts). Tao is such a teenage girl that it's hilarious and Sehun's bratty tendencies and obnoxiousness just made me want to punch him and cuddle with him and kick him where it hurts and then put him in my pocket so that I can protect him from this cruel, cruel world. And then Yixing is just the biggest sweetheart ever. If you don't like Yixing, I don't like you.

It's the end of an era and it has been a good one. I hope happy times will be here again soon but for the meantime...

EXO, saranghaja!!!

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