
This Week in Photos {08/04/13 - 08/10/13}

The ticket to happiness arrived in the mail last Thursday and I had a mini-meltdown because 
(Guys, it's really happening oh my fuck I'm going to fucking see them help can't breathe *wheezes*)

But lol it was our exams week and I felt like my brain was being fried
Coke was my saving grace (lol not really)
I managed to finish a liter in an hour because I kept on nodding off while studying for Filipino.
 I know, little human, I do not understand my logic as well. As if batchoy was suddenly going to make my brain work pssshhh
But I still went out and bought it haaaaaaaaaa
I plan on throwing this bunny thingamajig to Onew (IF we're allowed to throw things on stage)
 After exams, I went out with these cool kids and we watched Percy Jackson! (l to r: Francine, Joy, Rhea)
This was just cute idk
Sorry for the ink stains, McDo. WHY DO ALL MY PENS LEAK
Marielle during the yearbook pictorial
Frances (and the rest of them) had no idea I was taking pictures. Am I a ninja now?
And then there was me. Chilling. With no make-up on. Watching them. lol I had my pictorial three weeks ago. Also, I plan on getting my hair cut again. I'm starting to get annoyed by it.
I swear I'm not Chinese.

This is lazy blogging, I am so sorry. It's just that a lot has happened this week and I feel like I'm all over the place and wowowow I'm just gonna go read some fics because fics are happiness bloop de bloop ~eeeeeeey macarena~

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