
25 things I feel like sharing (because I'm bored out of my mind):

  1. I get good grades in English and Social Studies but I'm horrible at Math, Chemistry, and Biology. 
  2. I am very insecure, to the point that I get a bit annoyed whenever someone flatters me too much because I have this mindset that they're just saying that to make me feel good.
  3. I don't plan on using writing as a profession. 
  4. Just this morning, I've already decided on the course(s) that I want to take in college. Either Bachelor of Arts Major in English Language or Bachelor of Arts Major in Sociology. Both have Foreign Languages as a unit so it's like killing two birds with one stone. I don't know know what my mother's going to say about the courses that I want though.
  5. Taemin is still my number one sunshine but Kyungsoo is slowly (yet surely) taking over Onew's place as the second heir to the throne in my heart. I don't know if it has to do with the dating rumors surrounding Onew or the fact that I'm more updated with EXO at the moment which is a bit absurd because EXO'S NOT EVEN DOING ANYTHING whereas SHINee's schedule is filled to the brim with promotions and interviews and photoshoots but the fluttery feelings aren't there anymore. Still think he'd be a good husband though. ahrhr
  6. I'm having SHINee withdrawals.
  7. I really really really hate EXO.
  8. I've been awake for two hours already and I haven't had breakfast yet.
  9. Wait, I don't eat breakfast.
  10. I take showers in the night because it only takes 3 minutes to towel-dry my hair and I like going to sleep feeling fresh and clean. Also, the climate in my country is really hot right now so I sweat a lot during the day that taking a shower is practically pointless.
  11. I have no one to talk to in this house except for Mom when she comes home from work and she arrives at around 6 pm. I think I'm going slightly insane.
  12. Mom plans on buying me a myna so that I'd have someone to talk to.
  13. That is just really pathetic on my part.
  14. Now, I'm going to have a cat and a talking bird. I just get weirder and weirder.
  15. Still not fine but I'll get over this soon. I always do.
  16. I really want a pet bunny but allergies are getting in the way.
  17. I still haven't watched Episode 5 of SHINee's Wonderful Day yet I have watched every single video related to EXO's Ivy Club photo shoot. One word: H E L P.
  18. Screaming to the high heavens because WHAT AM I DOING WITH MY LIFE?????
  19. These days, I find myself talking to plants more than actual people. Like just yesterday, I was watering my sunflowers and I whispered to them, "Live or I die with you."
  20. I feel like I don't matter anymore.
  21. Two words to Kim Jongin: GET OUT.
  22. And wow you too, Oh Sehun.
  23. The Ivy Club photo shoot made me want to die to be honest.
  24. I was reading a HunHan fanfic last night (or should I say early morning) wherein Luhan was a Math nerd and Sehun was really good in the English subject. Sehun as an elitist poet, my feelings were all over the place at 2 am.
  25. I've been reading fan fabrication at ungodly hours and that is the only thing I look forward to each day. I don't know how my life has crumbled down to this but whatever.

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