
Today I'm going to love the living daylights out of myself. My bones are wilting and they need some good, old selfishness to blossom again. I can't just keep on giving pieces of myself to others without leaving some for the person who needs them the most - me.

I am sixteen and struggling and the cities inside my unexplored body are filled with so much raw and young energy. I've had trouble controlling my emotions more times than I would like to admit but that's just the way I roll. It's either people leave me or take me. Either way, I'm thankful because the people who matter will stay by my side and the people who choose to leave me in the dust can go and live happy lives without me. If you're one of them, sorry I'm not sorry for the "fuck you" I'll throw your way.

There's a party happening tonight to celebrate our victorious last hurrah and then a sleepover with some of the best people. It's currently 5:01 am and I can't wait for this day to unfold itself and for the night to swallow me whole for it is in the darkness where I let myself shine.

And it is in the darkness where I'll learn to forget about you because you've always been afraid of the dark and I've always been afraid of hurting you. I need to stop beating myself up though because it's never a fair fight. I'm in the process of healing the wounds you've mindlessly painted on the skin of my heart and I long to be unscathed. 

Precautionary measure: Please stay away so that I may recover.

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