
I don't want to stay here.

Whenever people persuade me to love my country and be patriotic and all that shit, I really feel like punching them in the face. Patriotism is a good thing to have but convincing me to be proud of my country is like shoving food down my throat when I've already had more than enough. Sickening, pathetic, and useless.

Yes, I can get out of the house and feel like nothing is wrong with the world, but then I start seeing photos like these...

...and it just fills me in with so much wanderlust coursing through my veins and the thought of packing my bags and fleeing to Japan or South Korea is so strong that I have to think about my family, friends, and everything else essential in my life at the moment just to regain composure. Because whenever I see these photos, I see myself in them. I see myself strolling through these streets, finding a job in these buildings, and having a home in these places. I see my heart, soul, and mind loving these places with a burning passion to endearing bits and pieces. I see myself belonging in the midst of unfamiliar faces and indecipherable signs and labels.  

And I just really want to be there so fucking much.

But what's really frustrating is that I have no choice but to deal with what I have at the moment. Two more years of dread in high school until I graduate, and hopefully, be able to grab a course dealing with Asian Studies (majoring in East Asian) and also take up Foreign Languages in college, and then pass with flying colors so that I'd land myself a job in one of those lovely countries.

Please, dear Lord, let everything happen. It doesn't matter how slow it will take, just as long as I'll be able to see, find, and feel myself with the lights and sounds and the whole essence of South Korea and Japan.

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