
The Sickly Diaries.

10/25/11 1:55 pm
At home, sick as I can be. Every single one of my friends is probably at Rob, having fun, while I lie here on my bed, feeling miserable and contemplating whether the awful taste in my mouth is from the medicine or the juice they just made me drink.
Even worse, I didn't get to to go to school today. I had things to settle: a borrowed book from the library, getting my Biology text book so that I could study in advance, the discussion about the lotus feet in Social Studies class that I've been waiting for for the past few months, and buying my stash of Nerds for the health break. Now I have an overdue book, I won't be able to pull up my grade in Bio, I didn't get to revel in the discussion with all its repulsive pictures and revolting facts, and worse, I have no candy. I am a very sick and miserable person.
And now my head is throbbing again and I feel woozy. Also, my throat hurts and I am sweating like a pig. I hope the latter part means I'm finally getting better. I'd like to go online tomorrow because at the moment, I feel like a caged bird with a hangover.

10/26/11 6:31 pm
So I'm finally better at last. I just have a little bit of a headache and some sniffles although I have cough attacks occasionally. But all is well. I'm recovered, or at the very least, recuperating. I feel much better than I've had these past few days that I was living an actual nightmare. Ugh, I absolutely hate being sick.
I felt all weak and tired and cranky and useless and pathetic. So glad that things are getting brighter. Plus, I'm allowed out of my room tomorrow. Fuck yeah, I get to see daylight again.

10/27/11 8:05 am
I'm still writing this on an intermediate pad of paper because I still can't go online for certain reasons. Reasons like the router is in the kitchen and the kitchen is being renovated, thus the telephone line is also down. Just put two and two together and you'll get what I mean. It doesn't take a genius to figure that out.
Anyway, awhile ago, just as I was about to gulp down my cough syrup, my profound and insightful older brother comes in and says something along the lines of "Cough syrup tastes good." I wanted to smack him on the head after he said that.
Cough syrup is the bane of my existence at the moment. It is the remaining medicine that I have to take and IT DOES NOT TASTE GOOD. It has a repulsive taste and not to mention its revolting odor, sickly-sweet odor. It makes me want to throw up, in all honesty.
Which brings me to another topic: medicine. I absolutely hate medicine. Painkillers, tablets, capsules, syrups--I all despise them. They all don't work for me. I've been secretly sick plenty of times and got better without the help of medicine. But whenever my paranoid of a mother finds out that I'm sick, she makes me take all kinds of stuff and I end up not getting better, but getting worse. Medicine sucks. They just prolong my sickness. Fuck them.

 Same day 9:31 am
Please take note that I haven't bathed since Sunday. So it would be needless to say that I smell like shit, I look like shit, and I feel like shit. And I've been itching for a bath.
So lo and behold, my dear mother finally allows me to take a bath, a much needed shower. And I was so freaking happy and excited that I was practically skipping as I went to get my towel.
So I was stepping into the bathroom, yes. I was stripping off my clothes, yes. And just as I was about to turn on the shower (shit I was so excited!) and let the glorious water splash all over my filthy body, I hear loud and rambunctious knocking at the door and my sister shouting, "Get out! I'm going to be late for work!"
So here I am, outside the bathroom, writing this down, still smelling, looking, and feeling like shit.
Life sucks.

10/28/11 2:14 pm
Things are bad.

10/29/11 12:45 pm
Just when I thought that things were finally okay, they went downhill. My coughs got worse and I can't breathe through the amount of nasal mucus in my nose. Also, my stomach gets upset more often than it sould be. When will I finally get better?

10/30/11 10:56 am
Getting better. I hope.

10/31/11 6:32 pm
I am better. Thank God.

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