
Comm 1 - The development of advanced communication competence in English with emphasis on effective reading, writing and listening skills.
Soc Sci 1 - A survey of basic concepts, principles, theories and methods of the behavioral sciences: (Sociology, Psychology, Anthropology, including the behavioral components of Linguistics, Demography and Geography) and the dynamics of social change.
Soc Sci 2 - A survey of social, economic, and political thinkers from the classical to contemporary times.
Math 1 - A survey of the essential concepts and applications of mathematics from a historical perspective.
Math 11 - Linear equations; algebraic and graphical solutions of the quadratic equations; exponents and radicals; complex numbers; binomial expansions; determinants; progressions; theory of equations. 
PE 1 -  A course required of all college freshmen for one semester, to acquaint them of the benefits derived from regular physical activities as well as to enable them to design their own personal fitness programs.

Friends! Family! All your little kittens and pumpkins! This right here is my schedule for the first semester of my Freshman year in college (which, by the way, is still two months and a half away LOL). I almost couldn't believe my luck when I was handed my class schedule because my classes don't start until 8:30 every day except Wednesday (because I have no class hehehe BOOYAH) and my last class every day ends at 2:30  HAHAHAHAHAHA I'M SO HAPPY ;________;

My only problem is running from one classroom/building to another (or maybe even riding a tricycle because the campus is huge) in between classes. But other than that, my schedule is pretty ~chill~ but I think I'm speaking too soon and I might be bombarded with a huge amount of workload despite the seemingly harmless sched that I have right now. And after all, this is just the first semester. Who knows what the future has in store? 

Freshmen Orientation is still on August 15 (which is also the same day I'll be settling in at my dorm) so I still have more than two months of summer ahead of me. To those who are going back to school this week or next week, I wish you all the best of luck!


  1. Still two months of summer whoa! What are you planning to do those times then?

    1. um ... eat??? take long naps, read fics, try to write, flail over pretty boys? and maybe work on my charms bc i need (okay maybe want) a new phone for college ;___;

      but all in all, i really don't know what to do with all the free time ahead of me OTL it almost makes me wish that classes are going to start soon bc i'm prone to getting restless whenever i have something to look forward to but two months is too long! but i think i should be thankful bc i might want to eat my words once college actually starts. so for now, i think i'll lay low and just enjoy what life currently has to offer and the blessings that will come my way :)

  2. Yay for chill schedules!! I don't have classes on Monday. Hehe. On Fridays my classes end at 11:00 AM, and I have about 2 hour breaks every Wednesdays. My Tuesdays and Thursdays are fully loaded until 4 PM. Whew. Aww, Math 11. I want Math 11. :( - esai

    1. You have Math 17, right? omg good luck!!! i think i'll fail on the 1st semester if I had Math 17 huhuhuhuhu

      Hooray for UP and their chill schedules!!! but I'm still extremely worried about the heavy workload that will eventually come our way ;~~~;

    2. Unfortunately, yes. ;__; my course is bs econ, and you know... statistics and probably other forms of math. aaah. thanks though. I just really despise trigonometry. :(

      You, my friend, are not alone. Gah but honestly I'm kind of excited to write papers hihi

    3. papers??? I'M TERRIFIED ;_______;

      i hate Math in general but best of luck to the both of us!!! ^^
